"Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to
be their own governors must arm themselves with the power that
knowledge gives"

-James Madison

Marsha Lindsey

Hi! My name is Marsha Lindsey and I am your information and referral contact.
I have worked or volunteered with persons with disabilities since I was a teenager.
My first real job was with an independent living center in California, developing
programs and services for the deaf. I was also their sign language interpreter.
I went back to school and became a physical therapist, and later an orthotist.
Shortly after starting my career, I developed Meniere’s disease. I worked for 18
years in my field. I was forced to give it up 3 years ago when I had brain
surgery which left me with cranial nerve damage.

If you have any questions about other services or information please contact me at

Look to this page for information, links and sources in your
quest for Disability Solutions!

Skills Training Links

ILRU Directory of Centers by state, SILCs

Arizona Centers for Independent Living.

Arizona Statewide Independent Living Council

ASSIST! To Independence



New Horizons


Cochise Ability

Local: Links to groups or organizations that serve specific Arizona localities.

Arizona Support Groups

The Community Alliance Against Family Abuse's (CAAFA) Safe Home Network (CSHN)

Maintains a list of agencies providing human services in over 25 categories including: victim services, counseling, emergency support services, behavioral health, and disability services. These agencies provide services to the Northern Pinal County area.

Community Alliance Against Family Abuse (CAAFA)

Community Alliance Against Family Abuse (CAAFA), provides services to those affected by domestic violence in Northern Pinal County, Arizona.



The MHAP Program provides structural modifications to homes occupied by persons with disabilities with low and moderate-income levels. This program is available to renters within the Mesa city limits who have at least a 12-month lease. ALTC, DDD, Evercare and Mercy Care recipients are required to contact their Case Managers first to apply for their own environmental modification programs. The types of modifications include: wheelchair ramps, doorways widened, grab bars and modifications to showers, bathtubs, sinks and toilets. This program is made possible by the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Home Modification Program is a match program, where consumers are expected to pay for 10% of the modification through cash, in-kind contribution (labor, materials, and volunteerism), or through other contributions. Because funding is limited, there are maximum amounts allowed for each modification. The MHAP program is administered by Arizona Bridge to Independent Living (ABIL). For assistance, contact Judy Benshoof at (602)-296-0532 or

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Home Access Program (HAP)--Tucson area

The DIRECT Center for Independence, Inc. Home Access Program is designed to assist low-income elderly and persons with disabilities to enter, exit and use their home in a safe and healthful manner. The program is funded through the City of Tucson Community Development Block Grant funds (CDBG), Pima County CDBG, and the Arizona Department of Housing Trust Fund. We serve specific geographical areas in southern Arizona with specific grant funds. We serve people in Pima, Cochise, Graham, Greenlee, and Santa Cruz Counties. The home must be owned by the applicant, who must meet income guidelines (please call for more specific information), and the modification must be necessary for the person to remain in their home in a safe and accessible manner. Modifications include ramps (inside/outside), roll-in showers, door widening, grab bars and low-rise steps. Please contact DIRECT at 520-624-6452 or 1-800-342-1853 to complete a phone intake. The Home Access Coordinator or the Housing Specialist will contact you to schedule an assessment. Once the assessment is complete staff will make arrangements with a licensed contractor to complete your home modification. You will receive follow-up serves from staff to evaluate your modification, and to address any other questions or issues you may have.

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Pinal Gila Behavioral Health Association

Our vision is that a comprehensive network of quality mental health and substance abuse prevention and treatment services will effectively address the needs of the people in Pinal and Gilacounties.

Public and Indian Housing Agency Contacts

Superstition Mountain Mental Health Center (SMMHC, Inc.)

Superstition Mountain Mental Health Center (SMMHC, Inc.) is based in Apache Junction, AZ, 32 miles east of Phoenix. We are dedicated to serving the mental health needs of residents and visitors of this area including Apache Junction and east Mesa. Our service area extends through the eastern portion of Pinal County, which we serve through offices in Kearny and Oracle. The staff is committed to meeting community needs and improving the level of community mental health by treating and preventing mental health problems.

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) Support groups in the Phoenix Valley:

Southwest Environmental Health Association: This group has about 200 members and is mostly an on-line group. Meetings are not being held at this time. You can get e-mail them for information at or go to their web site at

The Canaries: located in the Sun City area. They are a group dedicated to educating people about MCS. They can be contacted at 623-584-9665.

Scottsdale Group (does not have a name yet). They meet 2 times a month at the Wild Oats grocery store cafeteria in north Scottsdale. Information about meetings can be obtained by e-mailing

Statewide: Links to groups or organizations that serve the entire state.

Arizona Assistive Technology Exchange, a “classified ads” feature that connects people with available assistive technology. The goal of the Arizona Assistive Technology Exchange is to put assistive technology equipment that is not currently
being used, into the hands of someone who can benefit from it.


Welcome to Arizona 2-1-1 Online, the State of Arizona doorway to thousands of health, human service and emergency response resources. Developed in partnership with government, tribal, non-profit and community groups, Arizona 2-1-1 Online is committed to providing all Arizonans access to information and resources to improve the quality of their lives.

Arizona 2-1-1 Online is also your source for State and local emergency bulletins and alerts vital in times of disaster or emergency. From finding child care, jobs, health care, insurance to information about safety in our homes and offices, Arizona 2-1-1 Online is your one-stop source for locating the services and information you need when you need it."

- Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano

Arizona Cancer Center

The information made available through links at this web site are provided as a public service to those visiting our site. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the faculty at the Arizona Cancer Center, nor do we assume any responsibility for the content provided at these linked sites. Information obtained through any web site should not be relied upon as a substitute for receiving professional care from a physician or health care provider.

Arizona Institute for Human Development

The goal of this site is to serve as a resource to educators, students, service providers, agency personnel, and individuals with disabilities and their families.

State of Arizona

Official State of Arizona Web Site.

Fishing Has No Boundaries®.

Fishing Has No Boundaries®, Inc. is an educational, non-profit, volunteer organization whose purpose is to open the great outdoors to all disabled persons through the world of fishing. It introduces educational devices to aid the disabled angler and creates an atmosphere of friendship and camaraderie via people-helping-people annual fishing events.

Arizona Self Help

Arizona Self Help is a free and easy way for you to prescreen for programs that are available to help you and your family. Arizona Self Help is private, we do not ask who you are and we do not share your information with anyone. Arizona Self Help will tell you where to go for help and what to bring with you, after you have answered all the questions.

Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic

RFB&D creates opportunities for grade K thru Graduate Level students, who cannot read standard print due to a disability. RFB&D helps such students, and the teachers and parents who support them, by providing access to its library of more than 110,000 textbooks on CD and cassette tape.

National: Organizations that are national in scope.

The Interagency Committee on Disability Research (ICDR)

authorized by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, is mandated “to promote coordination and cooperation among Federal departments and agencies conducting rehabilitation research programs.”

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ADA Basic Building Blocks

"ADA Basic Building Blocks", an introductory web course on the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) that explores the legal requirements and spirit of the ADA.

To provide a network where people with disabilities and their loved ones can effortlessly research, compare, locate and obtain mobility and assistive products, thereby helping them to lead more independent lives.

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ADA Homepage

U.S. Department of Justice Americans with Disabilities Act ADA Home Page.

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Center for Research on Women with Disabilities - CROWD

The mission of the Center for Research on Women with Disabilities (CROWD) is to promote, develop, and disseminate information to improve the health and expand the life choices of women with disabilities.

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Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder:

CH.A.D.D. is a nonprofit parent-based organization formed to better the lives of individuals with attention deficit disorders and those who care for them. Through family support and advocacy, public and professional education and encouragement of scientific research, CH.A.D.D. works to ensure that those with Attention Deficit Disorder are given the opportunity to reach their inherent potential.

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Clickable Congressional E-mail Addresses and Other Info:

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Concrete Change

Concrete Change is a website that, in the words of one major search engine (HotBot), promotes “An international effort to make all homes Visitable! Provides detailed construction guidelines and cost estimates for barrier free design in new homes. Suggests ways to encourage wheelchair accessible construction in all homes.” Among the many websites that have already linked to Concrete Change are Iowa State University Extension Service,, the Institute on Independent Living, and the Home Modification Resource Center.

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Deaf Resource Library .

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Deafness Hard of Hearing - Home Page

THE starting place for exploring deaf and hard of hearing interests on the Net, from your Mining Co.Guide.

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DeafZONE and Beyond !

The culmination of Deaf resources. You will never be alone... again

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ILRU Creates opportunities for independence for people with disabilities through research, education and consultation.

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JAN on the Web - JAN United States

The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is an international toll-free consulting service that provides information about job accommodations and the employability of people with functional limitations.

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Medicare Drug Card Related Links

Call 800-MEDICARE or check out the web site at to get the names of companies offering cards and to compare discounts offered.

Did you know that once you enroll in a card you will be locked in until November 2005? For all you need to know about the Medicare drug discount cards, visit 76 Things You Should Know About the New Medicare Drug Discount Cards

You may get deeper discounts on your drugs through other programs (including state assistance, mail order and internet programs), which you can research at

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NAMI ( National Alliance for the Mentally Ill ) Home Page

NAMI is a grass roots, self-help, support & advocacy organization.

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National Council on Disability .

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National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases

NIAMS conducts and supports basic, clinical, and epidemiologic research and research training and disseminates information on many of the most debilitating diseases affecting the Nation's health. These diseases include the many forms of arthritis and diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the skin. The Institute also conducts and supports basic research on the normal structure and function of joints, muscles, bones, and skin. Basic research involves a wide variety of scientific disciplines, including immunology, genetics, molecular biology, structural biology, biochemistry, physiology, virology, and pharmacology. Clinical research addresses the fields of rheumatology, orthopedics, dermatology, metabolic bone diseases, heritable disorders of bone and cartilage, inherited and inflammatory muscle diseases,and sports medicine.

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National Multiple Sclerosis Society

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society's homepage is the premiere source for multiple sclerosis information, news and what you want.

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National Organization on Disability

The National Organization on Disability (N.O.D.) promotes the full participation of America's 49 million persons with disabilities in all aspects of life.

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National Organization for Rare Disorders

NORD is the only organization of its kind--a unique federation of more than 140 not-for-profit voluntary health organizations serving people with rare disorders and disabilities. Thousands of affected individuals and their families--as well as support groups, health care and human service professionals, and advocates for people with rare disorders and disabilities--rely on NORD's assistance and leadership. NORD is a charity and continues its mission through the kindness and generosity of its our donors. We invite you to explore this exciting new Web site and familiarize yourself with the full range of NORD's services. Read our acclaimed newsletter the Orphan Disease Update or search the Rare Disease Database, the NORD Organizational Database, and Orphan Drug Designation Database for information on specific rare disorders.

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Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy

Welcome to DALTCP's Home Page! We are a component of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE), within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). We are responsible for advising the Secretary of HHS on program and policy matters related to aging, long-term care and disability as well as conducting research and evaluation programs. We address issues of concern to frail elders, working age adults with physical disabilities, severely disabled children and their families, people with developmental disabilities, and those persons with HIV/AIDS and chronic mental illness who require long-term supports.

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OSERS: National Institute on Disability & Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR)

—a dept. of the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services (OSERS) ---provides leadership and support for a comprehensive program of research related to the rehabilitation of individuals with disabilities.

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Pilot Parents of Southern Arizona provides a wide variety of programs and services that support families of children with disabilities. They are committed to providing encouragement and support to families who have children with special needs so that their children can reach their maximum potential within the family and society.

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This important link tells you what to do in case of a disaster - no matter what your disability. It is part of Govt. office of Health and Human Services and appears to be sponsored by the American Red Cross. It's home page states:

"This section contains information designed to assist people with disabilities and medical concerns to prepare for disasters".

It seems very easy to negotiate and is even set up for large print.

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Raising Special Kids is a non-profit organization serving families of children with disabilities and special health care needs in central and northern Arizona. All programs and services are provided to families free of charge. At all ages and stages of a child's development, Raising Special Kids supports parents through:

  • Parent-to-Parent programs match new families with experienced parents through our trained volunteer network
  • Special Education information, individual IEP consultation, training, and problem-solving support
  • Parent leadership development opportunities.
  • Community outreach
  • Partnership between parents and professionals including programs that support professionals in health, education and social services.


Official federal government site offers program and services information. It includes links to current legislation of concern to people with disabilities.

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RESNA Home Page

RESNA is an interdisciplinary association for the advancement of rehabilitation and assistive technologies (AT).

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THOMAS -- U.S. Congress on the Internet

Current US Federal Legislative Information. Bills, Laws, Congressional Record, reports, and links to further information.

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Through the Looking Glass

Through the Looking Glass (TLG) is a community non-profit organization which emerged from the disability independent living movement in 1982. TLG has pioneered clinical and supportive services, training and research serving families in which one or more members--whether parent or child--has a disability or medical issue. TLG's mission has been to create, demonstrate and encourage resources and model early intervention services which are non-pathological and empowering.

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Trace Research & Development Center

Trace is a non-profit research center that focuses on making computer and information technologies more accessible to everyone.

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United Cerebral Palsy

United Cerebral Palsy's mission is to advance the independence, productivity and full citizenship of people with cerebral palsy and other disabilities, through the use of programs, such as, therapy, assistive technology training, early intervention programs, individual and family support, social and recreation programs, community living, state and local referrals, employment assistance and advocacy.

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U.S. Department of Education (ED) Home Page

Thousands of educators, policy makers, parents, students, researchers, and other citizens with a stake in education visit the U.S. Department of Education site each week.

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Mental Health Resources of AZ

This link is part of the National Mental Health Information Center. It has a searchable directory of mental health treatment facilities and support services, as well as other important mental health information.

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Night Rescue Program Coordinated by:

  • Easter Seals of Arizona
  • Phoenix Fire Department
  • Phoenix Mayor's Commission on Disability Issues
  • Super Shuttle
  • Total Transit

The Night Rescue program is designed to provide an emergency trip home for wheelchair users who may become stranded after accessible transportation's normal business hours. Depending upon location and destination, the hours of accessible service may vary. Plans should always include traditional transportation options such as the bus Dial-A-Ride or shuttle services whenever possible.

The night rescue program is available between 8:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. seven days a week for emergency use.

To activate the Night Rescue program, a call is placed to the Phoenix Fire Department non-emergency phone number (602-495-5555). The call will be connected to one of the transportation partners, Super Shuttle or Total Transit. They will then dispatch an accessible vehicle to arrive within one hour. The cost of this service is $40.00 and billing is available.

For further information please contact Donna Powers at Easter Seals 480-222-4134 or

International: Links for people going abroad, or just trying to broaden their horizons. (coming soon!)