Chemical Sensitivity Service & Support Group of Phoenix A Chapter of HEAL
Human Ecology Action League (HEAL) is a non-profit national organization that was established in 1978. HEAL’s purpose is to serve those whose health has been adversely affected by environmental exposures; to provide information to those who are concerned about the health effects of chemicals; and to alert the general public about the potential dangers of chemicals.
We are the Chemical Sensitivity Service & Support Group of Phoenix, a new and growing local chapter of HEAL. We plan to develop a variety of programs to offer our members services, emotional support and education for family and the public at large, because support just doesn’t mean being sick together! We intend to provide a structured forum for educating members on ways to cope and make the changes necessary to lead productive and fulfilling lives.
ARE YOU INTERESTED in joining our group?? Contact Melinda Honn, 46619 N. 12th Lane, New River, Arizona 85087, phone 623/742-0126 or e-mail:
CAN’T GET OUT? Contact us at the above number if you are interested in being in touch with our group by telephone or e-mail. There are still many ways to help our cause and be involved with the group from your own home.