You have arrived at CyberCIL in "Indian Country". These pages will be
dedicated specifically to the needs of Native Americans with disabilities,
their families and friends. Watch for links and articles that will assist you
in your independent living goals. Our facilitators pics, bios and contact
information will be coming please check back frequently!!
Informational Alert from the Health Care-PASS Subcommittee:
NCIL Supports Timely Reauthorization of Indian Health Care Improvement Act
(IHCIA) [S 1057]
Yesterday, NCIL sent a letter to Senate leaders declaring our strong support
for the timely approval of the reauthorization of S 1057 - the Indian Health
Care Improvement Act (IHCIA). This bill reauthorizes the Indian Health
Service, authorizes the delivery of home and community based services to
Native Americans for the first time, addresses severe health disparities
that have lowered life expectancy by six years among Native Americans as
compared to the general population, and strengthens community mental health
programs to address the mental health crisis facing Native Americans.
Native American leaders from the National Congress of American Indians have
told us how crucial this legislation is to empower them to meet the needs of
those with disabilities in their communities. According to Jefferson Keel,
the Lieutenant Governor of the Chickasaw Nation, nearly 3 in 5 Native
Americans have some kind of disability. Please find NCIL's letter of support
and a fact sheet outlining key background information on the legislation
below and attached.
We believe that it is vital for this bipartisan legislation cosponsored by
Indian Affairs Committee Chair John McCain (R-AZ) and Ranking Member Byron
Dorgan (D-ND) be enacted before the close of the 109th Congress. This
reauthorization is already several years overdue. It is important that we
send a message that all Americans - including Native Americans - should have
access to first-rate, quality, modern health care.
HOW YOU CAN HELP: Any advocates who are represented by Senators on the
Finance Committee are encouraged to contact these Senators to urge support
for expediting this important legislation and ensuring that it gets
consideration by the full Senate ASAP.
To check if your Senator is on the Finance Committee, see
FOR MORE INFORMATION: If you have questions, or need additional information,
e-mail Daniel Davis at or call him at (202)-207-0334, ext#1001.

Michael H. Blatchford
Executive Director, ASSIST! to Independence
Many people, when hearing the term independent living, probably think about the movement that started in Berkeley three decades ago with the radical notion that people with disabilities had a right to make their own decisions and life choices. At that time, many people with disabilities were still institutionalized, regardless of their function or cognitive level. Out of this movement grew the philosophy that people with disabilities (now called consumers) should have control and input into programs and services that affected their lives, and equal access to the community. Independent living is the right to control and take charge of your life. It doesn’t mean wanting to do everything by yourself or living in isolation. Independent living means having the same choices and control in your daily life that non-disabled friends, neighbors and family members take for granted. This includes taking risks, taking responsibility, and having the same right to succeed or fail...(Read the entire article)
The American Indian Disability Technical Assistance Center (AIDTAC) strives to support American Indians and Alaska Natives in their efforts to improve employment opportunities and vocational rehabilitation outcomes wherever they live in the United States.
The AIDTAC web site at is a comprehensive source of information on topics of importance to American Indians and Alaska Natives with and without disabilities. The national Training Calendar at lists tribal, state, regional and national events. AIDTAC publications are listed at -- many are posted in full-text. Storyteller, Dream Maker, Goal Setter: Disability and Employment Resources for Enhancing the Quality of Life for American Indians and Alaska Natives with Disabilities at provides annotated links to hundreds of useful resources.
Please visit our web site, and take a moment to pass this information along to others. We appreciate it!
Diana Spas, Information Coordinator
Research and Training Center on Disability in Rural Communities
The University of Montana Rural Institute
52 Corbin Hall, Missoula, MT 59812-7056
(888) 268-2743 (RTC office)
(406) 243-5760 (my office)
(406) 243-2349 fax

Pinal Gila Behavioral Health Association
Our vision is that a comprehensive network of quality
mental health and substance abuse prevention and treatment services
will effectively address the needs of the people in Pinal and Gilacounties.
Public and Indian Housing Agency Contacts
HAC News:Information on rural low-income housing issues
November 15, 2006
Vol. 35, No 23
ELECTION WILL SHIFT CONGRESSIONAL HOUSING LEADERSHIP. With Democrats winning control of both the House and the Senate on November 7, a new cast will emerge in the 110th Congress for USDA rural housing and HUD programs. Sens. Christopher Dodd (Conn.) and Jack Reed (R.I.) are in line to chair the Senate Banking Committee and its Housing Subcommittee. On the Senate Appropriations Committee, Robert Byrd (W.Va.), Patty Murray (Wash.), and Herb Kohl (Wisc.) will likely chair the full panel and the Transportation-Treasury-HUD and Agriculture Subcommittees. In the House Reps. Barney Frank (Mass.) and Maxine Waters (Calif.) are in line to chair the full Financial Services Committee and its Housing Subcommittee. On House Appropriations, Rep. David Obey (Wisc.) will be full committee chair, while Reps. John Olver (Mass.) and Rosa DeLauro (Conn.) are in line to head the T-THUD and Agriculture Subcommittees. Also being mentioned is the possibility that the T-THUD panel, thought by some to be unwieldy, might be reorganized into a new subcommittee structure. If this happens the subcommittees’ leadership might change. Subcommittee chairs are also subject to change based on members’ seniority.
APPROPRIATIONS STILL PENDING.Congress returned November 13 for a lame duck session with HUD, agriculture and most other FY 2007 appropriations bills not yet passed. This week the lawmakers will pass another continuing resolution through December 8. The full Senate may pass its USDA appropriations bill this week also. It remains unclear whether there will be further CRs or an omnibus bill to combine appropriations measures. A final across-the-board cut of at least 1% is very likely. Check HAC’s site,,for updates.
RURAL RENTAL HOUSING PRESERVATION TRENDS CONTINUE. USDA data provided to HAC show that in FY 2006 the loans on 2,189 Section 515 units were prepaid, while only 486 new units were constructed. Restrictions will keep 1,009 of the prepaid units affordable; this is 45% of the total, compared to 47% in FY 2005 and 72% in 2004. Owners of 1,096 units received incentives (equity loans and/or new Rental Assistance) and agreed not to prepay. Most Section 515 funds ($61.8 million of the $99 million available) and the new Multi-Family Housing Preservation and Revitalization Restructuring (MPR) Demonstration repaired or rehabilitated 4,001 and 2,263 units, respectively. Some prepaid units may remain affordable without restrictions, and some properties may be revitalized using other sources of funds. Contact Leslie Strauss, HAC,, 202-842-8600.
HOUSING LEADERS HONORED, FACTS UPDATED FOR NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH. Throughout November, the National American Indian Housing Council’s website,, will highlight Native housing leaders. An updated factsheet on the site describes demographics, housing needs, and some resources.
EVENTS PLANNED TO INCREASE AWARENESS OF HOMELESSNESS. November 12-18 is National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week, cosponsored by the National Coalition for the Homeless and the National Student Campaign Against Hunger & Homelessness. Visit or contact NCH, 202-462-4822. NCH and the National Health Care for the Homeless Council are sponsoring National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day on December 21. Details are at, or contact NCH.
PRIMARY CAUSE OF HOMELESSNESS IS SHORTAGE OF FEDERAL FUNDING, REPORT SAYS. A new study from the Western Regional Advocacy Project concludes that a new federal commitment to the preservation and production of affordable housing in both urban and rural areas is essential. Without Housing: Decades of Federal Housing Cutbacks, Massive Homelessness, and Policy Failures is free at
AARP FINDS SENIORS LIST AFFORDABLE HOUSING FOURTH AMONG COMMUNITY PRIORITIES. AARP studied urban and rural residents age 60 and older. Rural seniors were more likely than urban (68% and 38%) to be “very satisfied” with their counties. Aging, Migration, and Local Communities: The Views of 60+ Residents and Community Leaders is free at (select October 27 press release).
RURAL TRANSPORTATION PROGRESS SUMMARIZED. A brief from the Research and Training Center on Disability in Rural Communities describes how the latest federal transportation act helps rural people with disabilities. Visit or contact RTC, 888-268-2743,
RURAL LEARNING NETWORK OFFERS DEGREES. Rural community builders and activists may earn a certificate or academic degree through independent study, project implementation, and participation in a month-long institute. A sponsoring organization contribution is required for tuition. January 15 is the deadline for next spring’s Institute. Rural Development Leadership Network,, 212-777-9137, rdln@ruraldevelopment
THERE’S STILL TIME TO REGISTER FOR HAC’S NATIONAL RURAL HOUSING CONFERENCE 2006! For details visit or contact HAC staff, 202-842-8600 ext. 108,
Here is the link for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Indian Health Services: