Directions: Using the telephone numbers below, please answer the following questions.
A. 262-8743 B. 1-315-237-4253 C. 1-623-3980
1. Which telephone number would be a local call? __________________
2. Which telephone number would be a long-distance call outside your area code?
3. How would you find out if a number was long-distance from where you are calling?
4. How would you find the area code of a long-distance phone number?
5. How would you answer the phone at the following locations?
at your home ______________________________
at work __________________________________
at a friend’s home _______________________________
6. How do you end a phone conversation? ____________________________
7. What would you do if you received an obscene phone call? _____________
8. How would you ask a friend out over the phone? ______________________
9. How much does it cost to make a call from a pay phone? ______________
Directions: Answer each question below using the telephone book list of city services on the left. Write the telephone number for the correct place to call in each situation.
Questions |
1. Your house is on fire __________ 2. Some stray dogs are running loose in your neighborhood_____ 3. You wonder how late the library in North Hills is open __________ 4. You need to know when the parks department starts it’s gymnastics lessons_________________ Arts Center 5. You need a permit to build a new garage on your home_________ 6. You want to ask a police officer to visit your school to speak about drunk driving ___________ 7. There’s been an accident and you need an ambulance fast___ 8. You need to know how much tickets to the ballet cost ______________ 9. You need information about the city bus ______________ 10. The water in your home is shut off _________________ 11. You want to speak to a friend who is a fire fighter at station #3 _________________ 12. There is a large pothole in the street in front of your home ________________ 13. you want to speak to the mayor _______________ |
Directions: Answer each question below using the telephone book list of county services below. Write the telephone number for the correct place to call in each situation.
Government Offices, County HARRISON, COUNTY OF |
Building Permit Dept...........................362-0729 Circuit Clerk’s Office
District Attorney’s Office....................363-9027 Emergency Operations Center............364-0450 Cooperative Extension Service
Garbage Collection............................363-7767 Health Department............................367-0789 School Attendance Officer..................363-9930 Sheriff’s Office
Tax Collector General Information...............................364-2240 Auto Tag Information..............................364-2250 Welfare Department
Zoning Department.................................363-8765 |
1. You’re doing some home canning. You’re not sure how long to process the food for safety ______________________ 2. You need to get license plates for the used car you just bought ________________ 3. You’d like to register to vote _________________________ 4. You wonder if your family qualifies for food stamps _______________________ 5. You want to get married next month. You need to know how to get a marriage license ________________________________ 6. You have a question about your AHCCCS payments ________________ 7. Your friend needs a building permit to build a storage shed on her property ______ 8. You are a single parent with two small children. You’d like to know if you qualify for Aid to Dependent Children ___________________ 9. your garbage is not being collected every week ______________________ 10. you are receiving assistance payments, but you didn’t get a check last week _____ |
1986 J. Weston Walch, Publisher Steps to Independent Living
Directions: Read each situation below. Then try to figure out where in your area you could get help if you were in that situation. You may use the telephone book to help you.
you will not know all the answers. The idea is to think the situation through and decide what you might do. There are several possible correct answers for each situation.
1. You’ve forgotten how much
it costs to mail a postcard.
2. You’re looking for a store that
sells red floor mats for your car.
3. You want to see a movie, but
you can’t remember where it’s playing
or when.
4. You want to find a restaurant with
great seafood.
5. You need legal help, but you can’t
afford to hire a lawyer.
6. You’re looking for a low-cost, but
nice apartment.
7. You think you have VD, and you’ve
heard you can get free treatment some-
8. You want to buy a clock radio, and
you wonder where to get it at the lowest
9. You’ve bought a car that’s a lemon.
You need to know what you can do about it.
1986 J. Weston Walch, Publisher Steps to Independent Living