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Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Welcome to CyberCIL’s environmentally-safe sanctuary. There’s no smoking in this little oasis, and we have adopted a no fragrance policy to protect our visitors and staff who have chemical and other environmental sensitivities. And don’t worry, we won’t be using chemical pest controls and flea bombs that will make our guests sick.

You won’t find any fragrance emission devices or toxic, fragrance-laden cleaning products. Forget about carpet glue, varnish, or lawn chemicals.

Is this little haven completely safe? No, especially if you are using an unshielded computer and you experience certain types of electronic sensitivities. It’s relatively easy for a center that exists in cyberspace to be environmentally safer, and we hope your facility has at least one safe room.

Chemical-based products are all around: in the clothes we wear, in the food we eat and in the air we breathe. It is not possible to escape exposure. Many people have become sensitized to the chemicals around them. It is estimated that as much as 15% of the population has become sensitized to common household and commercial products.

For some people the sensitization is not too serious a problem. They may have what appears to be a minor allergy to one or more chemicals. Other people are much more seriously affected. Such people have a condition known as Multiple Chemical Sensitivity or MCS.

Please meet Susan, a good contact to know in this area.

Susan and MontanaSusan Molloy lives east of Snowflake, Arizona in a neighborhood of 15+ households of people with chemical and electrical sensitivities. She works part-time from home for New Horizons Independent Living Center and on advocacy efforts, primarily by telephone and e-mail. Her computer is retrofitted to shield EM fields, for which funding was obtained from Arizona Rehabilitation Services Administration. She earned a Masters Degree in Disability Policy in 1992 through the Department of Public Administration at San Francisco State University.

Current goals:

  • enforceable protection in the building and criminal codes through which to defend people with chemical and electrical sensitivity disabilities;
  • travel to the West Coast of India;
  • take advice from Montana the Dog, do not panic.

colorful disability symbol

Related Links

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) Support groups in the Phoenix Valley:

  • Southwest Environmental Health Association: This group has about 200 members and is mostly an on-line group. Meetings are not being held at this time. You can get e-mail them for information at or go to their web site at
  • The Canaries: located in the Sun City area. They are a group dedicated to educating people about MCS. They can be contacted at 623-584-9665.
  • Scottsdale Group (does not have a name yet). They meet 2 times a month at the Wild Oats grocery store cafeteria in north Scottsdale. Information about meetings can be obtained by e-mailing

    For more information and related articles on Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, please visit our LIBRARY