CURRENT TOPICS The RRTC on Spinal Cord Injury (SCI): Promoting Health and Preventing Complications through Exercise is pleased to announce a new blog about Spinal Cord Injury and Exercise. Pam Mackie, the blog author, will share her personal experiences and insights about SCI secondary conditions, exercise, and general health through personal stories, sharing of facts and practices, interviews, and other means. Please go to the blog and share your struggles and successes in maintaining fitness while living with a SCI. The blog can be reached through the following websites: OR Directly by Further information about the RRTC on SCI: Promoting Health ![]() ADA Watch - Advancing the Civil Rights of Persons With Disabilities This is a dynamite site with a wide variety of topics for persons with disabilities and the issues they face. It is updated regularly. You may wish to consider joining their listserve! More Coming Soon!! ![]() NATIONAL COUNCIL ON INDEPENDENT LIVING Informational Alert from the Health Care-PASS Subcommittee: NCIL Supports Timely Reauthorization of Indian Health Care Improvement Yesterday, NCIL sent a letter to Senate leaders declaring our strong Native American leaders from the National Congress of American Indians We believe that it is vital for this bipartisan legislation cosponsored HOW YOU CAN HELP: Any advocates who are represented by Senators on the To check if your Senator is on the Finance Committee, see FOR MORE INFORMATION: If you have questions, or need additional information, In July 2005, the Arizona Attorney General, Terry Goddard, announced Consumers can subscribe to this email service by visiting the My name is Susan Stuntzner. I am a PhD Candidate at University of Wisconsin This study is an experimental design. Participants will be randomly assigned Participants I am interesting in recruiting for this study are persons (a) Have lived with a spinal cord injury for at least one year; (b) Are between the ages of 18 and 55; (c)Might feel that your injury was "unfair" or "unjust" regardless (d) Would be interested in working on forgiveness; (e) Do not currently drink over three drinks per day or use illegal substances. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact me via Sincere Regards, Susan Stuntzner MS, CRC, NCC Don't have Adobe Reader yet? Click on the icon below to download. It's free!! ![]() ![]() Section 508 Homepage: Electronic and Information Technology Guidelines and Standards Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act requires access to electronic and information technology procured by Federal agencies. The Access Board developed accessibility standards for the various technologies covered by the law. These standards have been folded into the Federal government's procurement regulations...(Read the entire Act and all of it's applications) Dowmloading the various articles on the above aite requires the Adobe Reader. It's free!! ![]() 2006 NCIL Resolution on Violence and Abuse of People with Disabilities For Consideration at the NCIL Annual Council Meeting May 25, 2006-Washington, DC, Resolution on Violence and Abuse of People with Disabilities Whereas, the prevalence of violence/abuse of people with disabilities exceeds that of people without disabilities in our society; and Whereas, recent years have seen an increase in federal monies for training and technical assistance to increase victim service provider’s capacity to serve women with disabilities and Deaf women; and Whereas, numerous highly publicized cases of violence/abuse of persons with disabilities indicates that these efforts have been inadequate in changing the response of victim service agencies; and Whereas, sixty (60) representatives from centers for independent living across the country voiced their concerns at the 2004 annual conference and believe that NCIL and it’s membership should take a leadership role in addressing violence/abuse of people with disabilities. Therefore it be resolved that NCIL acknowledges that violence/abuse occurs in the lives of people with disabilities and that this victimization creates a major barrier to achieving independence. Be it further resolved that NCIL will encourage the administration and legislature to allocate resources to improve access to services for persons with disabilities who are victimized and to address legislation and public policy that affect victims with disabilities. Be it further resolved that NCIL will encourage its membership to develop strategies to address violence/abuse of the people with disabilities in their communities; to advocate for equal access to victim services and to promote justice for people with disabilities who are victims of violence/abuse. Respectfully submitted by: Leslie Myers, MS, CRC, CDVC, Domestic Violence Specialist/Counselor IndependenceFirst 600 W Virginia 4th Floor, Milwaukee, WI 53204 Roberta Sick, Project Director, Partners for Inclusive Communities-UAMS 2001 Pershing Circle, Suite 300 North Little Rock, AR 72114 Mary Oschwald, Regional Research Institute, Portland State University PO Box 751, 1600 SW 4th St Suite 900, Portland OR 97207 Supporters: (Support Letters Included) IndependenceFirst in Milwaukee, Wisconsin Regional Research Institute, Portland State University in Portland, Oregon Partners for Inclusive Communities-UAMS in North Little Rock, Arkansas Delta Resource Center for IL in Pine Bluff, Arkansas Mainstream Independent Living Resource Center in Little Rock, Arkansas Wisconsin Coalition of Independent Living Centers in Madison, Wisconsin Arkansas Independent Living Council in Arkansas Spa Area Independent Living Services in Hot Springs, Arkansas Los Angeles Commission on Assaults Against Women, Deaf and Disabled Services Steve Weiss, Disability Advocate Connie Kramer Center for Independent Living of Broward Communities Against Violence Network (CAVNET) ![]() METRO Light Rail Transit Project "Community Advisory Board (CAB)" Valley Metro is looking to appoint additional citizens from the ADA Community to our CAB's. Attached are the guidelines for establishing Members: Method for Establishing Community Advisory Boards METRO's Community Outreach Coordinators work with city staffs and community and business leaders in their respective line sections to develop a nomination list for potential CAB members. Each CAB member: Owns or manages a business on property adjacent to the light rail alignment or owns or rents a residence within approximately ½-mile of the light rail alignment and / or represents a group of stakeholders along a portion of the light rail alignment. If you are interested, please contact Howard Steere, Public Involvement Manager with Valley Metro at 602-322-4476 or for questions or concerns with this request for a call to participate in METRO's Boards. ![]() How Is Your Housing Authority Doing with Accessible Public Housing Units? Information Bulletin # 112 (5/06) One Public Housing Authority and one Center for Independent Living have recently reached a terrific written agreement to increase the number of accessible public housing units. As many of you know, since 1988 HUD has required each Housing Authority to have "a minimum" of five percent of its total units fully accessible for persons with mobility and physical impairments (i.e., in compliance with the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards) and another one percent accessible for hearing impairments and for visual impairments. Specifically, after more than two years of negotiating, Access Center for Independent Living and the Dayton (Ohio) Public Housing Authority have reached a written agreement and entered a "partnership." In it, the HA agreed : 1. to allocate $2.8 million to make 29 units fully accessible by 2007; 2. to allocate funds to bring another 73 units "into full compliance;" 3. over the next five years, to build or convert at least 18 additional units; 4. to "work in partnership" with ACIL to ensure that the HA is properly housing persons' with disabilities; 5. "to "overhouse' clients in order to maximize the use of accessible features for an applicant with a disability who needs an accessible unit;" 6. to ensure that nondisabled persons residing in accessible units are transferred so that disabled people can reside in the accessible units; 7. to acknowledge that "ACIL was critical to the development" of the HA's "recently completed Section 504 Transition Plan that addresses the needs of residents and applicants with disabilities " and 8. PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES IN NURSING HOMES WILL BE CONSIDERED AS HOMELESS, AND THEREFORE ARE AT THE TOP OF THE PREFERENCE/PRIORITY LIST. Congratulations ACIL! If you want to know how ACIL accomplished this, you can telephone Alan Cochran, E.D., 937-341-5202. How many of your Housing Authorities are in compliance with the minimum "5%/2%" Section 504 civil rights mandate? We now have data available from the Census Report "Americans with Disabilities: 2002" and HUD's CHAS website that shows the need for accessible public housing units well above "5%/2%" minimum!!! Have any of you requested this increase? Listed below by State are a list of the larger Housing Authorities (primarily those with more than 1000 total units). We calculated the approximate number of their total housing units that should be accessible, meet the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards and should have persons residing in them who require the accessibility features. QUESTIONS FOR DISABILITY ADVOCATES:
Without answers to these questions, you cannot know if the Rehabilitation Act's Section 504 civil rights for persons with disabilities are implemented. Number of Accessible Units By State and Local HA AK- Anchorage 67 UFAS Accessible Units AL - Birmingham 289 UFAS Accessible Units; Mobile 203 UFAS Accessible Units; Anniston 69; Montgomery 163 AR - North Little Rock 54; Little Rock 64 AZ - Phoenix 131; Tucson 77 CA - San Francisco 320; Monterey Park 148; Oakland 166; Los Angeles 371; Sacramento City 104; Sacramento County 53; Fresno 47; Martinez 53; Belmont 57; San Bernardino 87; Fresno 50; San Diego 68 CO - Denver 192; Pueblo 48 CT- Bridgeport 124; Norwalk 41; Hartford 72; New Haven 154; New Britain 40; Stamford 44 DE- Wilmington 102;Dover 26 FL- Jacksonville 135; Tampa 187; Orlando 72 GA- Augusta 134; Savannah 121; Athens 68; Columbus 83; Atlanta 523; Macon 104; Albany 61 HI - Honolulu 275 IL- East St. Louis 107; Chicago 1399; Peoria 67; Springfield 55; Decatur 55; Ottawa 48; Rockford 104; Joliet 57; Cook County 104; Belleville 51 IN- Gary 116; New Albany 41; Evansville 54; Indianapolis 91; Terre Haute 43; East Chicago 40 LA- New Orleans - unknown at present. KS- Kansas City 103; Topeka 32; Wichita 29 KY- Louisville 269; Lexington 68; Paducah 44 LA- Shreveport 52; Baton Rouge 55; Monroe 77; Lake Charles 42, MA- Lowell 82; Boston 592; Cambridge 98; Fall River 78; New Bedford 82; Lawrence 53, Worcester 109; Malden 46; Brockton 62 MD- Annapolis 55; Baltimore 726; Kensington 78; Hagerstown 54 ME- Portland 57 MI- Detroit 208; Flint 62; Inkster 41 MN- St Paul 213; Minneapolis 348; Duluth 55 MO- St Louis 205; Kansas City 107 MS- Meridian 54; Corinth 60; Gulfport 80 NC- Wilmington 64; Raleigh 80; Charlotte 178; Kinston 40; High Point 56; Ashville 77; Fayetteville 52; Greensboro 115; Winston-Salem 96; Durham 98; Goldsboro 61; Salisbury 52 ND- Fargo 29; Bismarck 16 NE- Omaha 141 NH- Manchester 58; Nashua 33 NJ- Newark 425; Elizabethtown 60; North Bergen 49; Jersey City 98; Camden 91; Bayonne 68; Atlantic City 85; Hoboken 68; Paterson 90 NM- Albuquerque 58 NV- Las Vegas 48; Reno 38 NY- Syracuse 117; Buffalo 215; Yonkers 130; New York City 8,025; Utica 49; Albany 82; Troy 64; Schenectady 52; Rochester 125; Uniondale 65; Plainview 46 OH- Columbus 189; Youngstown 79; Cleveland 506; Cincinnati 311' Dayton 185; Toledo 158; Akron 231; Warren 69; Portsmouth 44; Loraine 73; Steubenville 40; Hamilton 66; Canton 128 OK- Oklahoma City 157 OR- Portland 117 PA- Pittsburgh 360; Philadelphia 839; Scranton 66; Allentown 72; McKeesport 53; Allegheny County 196; Harrisburg 88; Erie 93; Bethlehem 73; Reading 81; Uniontown 79; Beaver 90; Greensburg 97; Johnstown 83; York 55; New Castle 45; Dunmore 57 RI- Providence 130; Pawtucket 56; Woonsocket 65; Newport 44 SC- Charlestown 69; Columbia 86; Spartanburg 59; Greenville 48; Laurens 69 TN- Memphis 231; Johnson City 38; Knoxville 188; Chattanooga 164; Nashville 265; Jackson 43; LaFollette 58 TX- Austin 96; El Paso 301; Fort Worth 113; Houston 331; Brownsville 50; Corpus Christi 92; Dallas 233; Waco 45; Laredo 48; Galveston 49 UT- Salt Lake City 32 VA- Portsmouth 57; Newport News 108; Alexandria 45; Norfolk 179; Richmond 212; Roanoke 69; Fairfax 53; WA- Seattle 264; King County 150; Bremerton 30; Tacoma 62 WI- Milwaukee 220; Madison 38 WV- Charleston 68; Huntington 46 Steve Gold, The Disability Odyssey continues- Distributed to APRIL members at the request of Linda Gonzales, by: Diana Spas, Information CoordinatorResearch and Training Center on Disability in Rural Communities The University of Montana Rural Institute 52 Corbin Hall, Missoula, MT 59812-7056 (888) 268-2743 (RTC office) (406) 243-5760 (my office) (406) 243-2349 fax ![]() Has the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) made a difference in your life? The national network of ADA & IT Technical Assistance Centers, also known as DBTACs, seeks your comments on your experiences with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Your feedback on your experiences in employment, building access and access to public services will help the Centers to identify training gaps and issues needing increased technical assistance. Visit the on-line form and tell us what has worked for you, what barriers you still encounter, and how the ADA has made a difference in your life. The survey will only take a few minutes and is confidential. The only identification requested is the state in which you reside. If you have not already completed this survey, please take a moment to do so. Also, if you know of others whose lives have been impacted by the ADA, please forward to them. Thanks for assisting us; we are interested in your successes and concerns! Visit and share your experience (the survey is at the
center of the Web page just click on SHARE YOUR OPINIONS!).
MEDICARE RECIPIENTS: Do You Have the Wheelchair You Need? If Not, We Need to Know!! Outdated policies prevent many Medicare recipients from getting the wheelchair they need to live independent and productive lives. Currently, Medicare will only pay for a wheelchair if you need it for use in your home. If you can function at home with a manual chair, but need a power chair to go to work, your doctor, or the local grocery store, Medicare will only pay for a manual chair. United Spinal is embarking on a major legislative campaign to ensure that every Medicare recipient with a disability has access to the "Right Wheelchair." If you don't have the right wheelchair because Medicare refuses to pay for it, we need to hear from you. Personal stories from members affected by this disastrous rule are the most powerful tool we have to make Congress understand why legislation is urgently needed. This policy affects you if:
If this describes you, please contact Dan Anderson, legislative analyst, Public Policy, and help us convince Congress that it's time to fix this irrational policy. Contact Dan at 1-800-404-2898, extension 294, or e-mail Message distributed to APRIL members at the request of Linda Gonzales, by: Diana Spas, Information CoordinatorResearch and Training Center on Disability in Rural Communities The University of Montana Rural Institute 52 Corbin Hall, Missoula, MT 59812-7056 (888) 268-2743 (RTC office) (406) 243-5760 (my office) (406) 243-2349 fax ![]() This comes to us from ADAPT June 29, 2006 NEW COST FIGURES FOR MICASSA ARE OUT!!!!!!! HERE FINALLY is the revised cost estimates on MiCASSA. As you may recall, the CBO estimates included costs of things that the MiCASSA bill does not cover and included people who would not be eligible for services. Researchers Mitch LaPlante and Charlene Harrington reviewed and revised this cost estimate in light of new information and found the cost much lower than what the CBO had estimated. To quote from the article below: "They ran their own study and found the likely annual costs to be $1.2 billion to $3.2 billion, a difference of between $9 billion and $17 billion from what the CBO came up with. Their study not only challenges the CBO's assumptions, but raises the question of just how people arrive at numbers that become gospel in public discussions." Besides this published article, the public record shows that the study with the cost figures and analysis referenced has been specifically shared with and explained to: Senator Harkin's office Steve Tingus, Director of NIDRR (of the US Dept. of ED. He is a Bush appointee, directly representing the President on Disability policy) Dr. Mark McClellan, CMS Administrator and Bush appointee Carol O'Shaughnessy of Congressional Research Service NO MORE EXCUSES!!!!!! EVERYONE KNOWS MICASSA WILL ONLY COST 1.2 TO 3.2 BILLION NOT 10 TO 20. THE PRESIDENT KNOWS. HIS CABINET KNOWS. CONGRESS KNOWS. SENATORS KNOW. CONGRESSIONAL RESEARCH KNOWS. WE KNOW, AND NOW, YOU KNOW. NO MORE EXCUSES. NO MORE STOLEN LIVES. PASS MICASSA NOW!!!!! ----- Original Message ----- From: Charlene Harrington, Ph.D., R.N. Professor, Sociology and Nursing, Dept. of Social & Behavioral Sciences, University of California, 3333 California Street St., Suite 455, San Francisco, CA 94118 415-476-4030 phone415-476-6552 fax June 21, 2006 MICASSA stats We are so happy that we just got it [the article on the revised cost estimate] accepted but it may take 4-6 months to come out. It will be in: 2006. LaPlante, M.P., Kaye, H.S. and Harrington, C. Estimating the Expense of Mandating Personal Attendant Services Under Medicaid: The Case of MiCASSA. J. of Health and Social Policy. In Press. *************** Here is the link for the story below if you want to get it with all the links, formatting, etc.: Thursday, 15 June '06 School of Nursing Stat Mavens Make Numbers Tell the Truth -by Andrew SchwartzThanks to the old saw about "lies, damn lies and statistics," most people recognize that statistics can deceive. But the puckish humor in that saying (variously attributed to Mark Twain, Benjamin Disraeli and others) masks a phenomenon that too often has serious consequences. Consider prospective federal legislation that would help low-income people with disabilities purchase personal assistance services. Those advocating for the legislation believe that because these services can help people avoid a nursing home, the financial support would be in keeping with the spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - and would be less costly than nursing home care. But the law has not made its way to the floor of Congress, in large part because the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated it would ring up annual costs of $10 billion to $20 billion. Coming from an official, nonpartisan organization like the CBO, the number automatically carries an air of legitimacy. School of Nursing researchers Mitchell LaPlante, Steve Kaye and Charlene Harrington - who directs the UCSF-based Center for Personal Assistance Services (PAS), where LaPlante and Kaye are co-principal investigators - were convinced, however, there was something amiss in the CBO estimate. They ran their own study and found the likely annual costs to be $1.2 billion to $3.2 billion, a difference of between $9 billion and $17 billion from what the CBO came up with. Their study not only challenges the CBO's assumptions, but raises the question of just how people arrive at numbers that become gospel in public discussions. Fugitive Statistics LaPlante, a sociologist, calls numbers like those the CBO published "fugitive statistics." In a career in which he's achieved nationwide recognition as a researcher and scholar in the field of disability - as well as for his methodological skills in survey research - LaPlante frequently encounters such fugitives. For example, a few years back, a federal regulatory board was mulling numbers supplied by a hotel industry group. The numbers indicated that the set-aside of rooms that the ADA mandated would impose an undue economic burden on the hotel industry. But when LaPlante and Kaye examined the data, they found that the hotel group had overestimated the economic impact because it had made assumptions that didn't match the reality of how the disabled community travels and, therefore, uses hotels. (This is one common reason for the emergence of fugitive statistics: incorrect assumptions that make their way into calculations.) Ultimately, the evidence LaPlante and Kaye supplied in that case won the day. They're now trying to do the same for the PAS legislation, which is why they have spent much of the past year researching the costs. They are about to publish the results of their study and hope it can move the proposed legislation along. Finding the $17 Billion Gap How did LaPlante, Kaye and Harrington arrive at numbers so at odds with the CBO's? LaPlante explains that their study and the CBO estimate emerged from the same data gleaned from two surveys of the entire US population: one from the Census Bureau and one from the National Center for Health Statistics. (The technique is known as secondary data analysis.) The divergence began when LaPlante, Kaye and Harrington applied their first criterion for eligibility under the proposed law: those people who in the surveys indicated a need for help with two or more activities of daily living (ADLs). (ADLs typically include taking a bath or a shower, dressing, eating, getting in and out of bed, toileting and getting around inside the house.) They chose that criterion because eligibility for a nursing home is the starting point for receiving personal assistance services under the proposed legislation. "And typically, it's help with two or more ADLs that makes someone institutionally eligible for a nursing home," says LaPlante. In contrast, the CBO included both ADLs and instrumental ADLs, which include such things as doing light housework, preparing meals, taking the right amount of prescribed medication, and keeping track of money and bills. In addition, the CBO assumed that needing help with any one of these activities would qualify under the legislation. The second criterion is financial. To receive assistance, the disabled person must be Medicaid-eligible, a standard that varies from state to state and so can be complicated to work into calculations. This is another spot where differences may have emerged. After applying both criteria, LaPlante, Kaye and Harrington calculated that between half a million and 1 million people will be eligible for assistance. (The CBO estimated 8 million.) Finally, based on interviews, LaPlante, Kaye and Harrington found that on average, these people would need 16.6 hours of help per week, calculated the average hourly cost for the service and did the math. "It's actually pretty simple, pretty straightforward," says LaPlante. "The difference, really, is that we made better assumptions and so reduced the uncertainty." Always Uncertainty Though LaPlante believes the numbers they arrived at are accurate, he acknowledges, "No survey is perfect. In addition, policy work can be quite complex because it's multidisciplinary, multifactorial." He notes, for example, that projecting the impact of legislation sometimes must account for the "woodwork effect," where over time, more people learn about available benefits and begin applying for them. Researchers, therefore, must determine how the woodwork effect will change costs over time. And, in fact, most numbers that people seize on during public debates have questions surrounding them; preventing fugitive statistics is all about shrinking the uncertainty and adjusting for likely measurement errors. "For example, survey interviews always have a social context," says LaPlante. How literate is the person being interviewed? Are there cultural or language differences that get in the way of receiving an honest or complete answer? "How you ask a question is particularly important," says LaPlante. "We've found that many disabled people don't like being asked what they can't do. But if you ask them if they do things differently because of their disability or ask how they adapt, they are more likely to give you a full answer." Another twist can occur when researchers get results that are counterintuitive. LaPlante recalls a time when he was still a doctoral student, and a faculty member was doing a study for a program that advocated cash payments for welfare recipients (as opposed to food stamps, etc.). To the researchers' surprise, the study revealed that the cash payments were associated with higher divorce and separation rates; this was not a result they were expecting (or hoping) to see. "When that happens, you check to make sure that you haven't done something wrong, but ultimately you have to stand by the results," says LaPlante. The Importance of Policy Research Despite the inherent frustrations and uncertainties, LaPlante is committed to policy research. He recognizes that without a steady supply of reliable numbers, fugitive statistics - call them lies or damn lies, if you will - can plant themselves in the public debate and shape thinking among key constituencies. Consider a string of recent Supreme Court decisions that limited the scope of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by restricting its coverage to people with disabilities in their "corrected state." As part of the basis for their decisions, justices cited Congress' statement in the ADA (which was passed in 1990) that 43 million Americans have one or more physical or mental disabilities. The court said that the number indicated "that Congress did not intend to bring under the ADA's protection all those whose uncorrected conditions amount to disabilities." But the "43 million" figure was just an estimate that disability groups used to illustrate the scope of the problem during congressional testimony. There's some real question about whether or not it is rooted in legitimate research. At this point, however, the die's been cast. Stamped as legitimate, the figure informed how the Supreme Court interpreted a law that affects millions of disabled Americans. For those denied rights or benefits because of fugitive statistics like these, that's no laughing matter. _________________________________________________ Please direct all comments or questions to the ucsftoday editor. For technical comments or questions please contact our webmaster. The University of California, San Francisco, CA 94143, (415) 476-9000, Copyright 2006, The Regents of the University of California. Message distributed to APRIL members at the request of Linda Gonzales, by:Diana Spas, Information Coordinator Research and Training Center on Disability in Rural Communities The University of Montana Rural Institute 52 Corbin Hall, Missoula, MT 59812-7056 (888) 268-2743 (RTC office) (406) 243-5760 (my office) (406) 243-2349 fax ![]() As you may have heard, there is now a free, no-strings attached, prescription drug discount card for up to %20 discount, and it even applies to pet medications! There are no special qualifications, and it may be used even if you already have prescription drug coverage. Amazed? I am, too. And, this is no hoax! You can get your free discount card at a number of County locations in AZ and across the US. For Maricopa County residents, visit the Maricopa County website for card outlet locations and details: others, go to the site to see if your county participates:![]() Sun Sounds of Arizona is Providing Two Ways for Visually Impaired Voters to Access the 2006 Election Pamphlet. The Citizens Clean Elections Commission has partnered with Sun Sounds of Arizona to provide visually impaired voters with candidate and voting information. The Sun Sounds Voter Information Project (V I P) provides two ways to access printed election materials for voters who cannot read due to a physical or visual disability via a Sun Sounds service called “Sun Dial”. Prior to the elections V.I.P.’s can: 1. Call 1-877-517-8711 OR2. For users with screen reader software, follow the links on the Sun Sounds website. For more information call 480-774-8300. And this accessibility information from Tammy Patrick with the Maricopa County Elections: Voters can request early ballots or information in large print and/or Braille that site would be: the text only version:![]() This comes from: Olegario D. Cantos VII, Esq.Associate Director for Domestic Policy The White House Washington, DC 20502[Email] As you may very well imagine, the developments in the United Kingdom whose details were announced early yesterday morning (also see below) have given rise for heightened security at all of our nation's airports. Amidst all of the adjustments resulting from immediate changes to security check-in procedures, the Bush Administration remains mindful of the needs of travelers with disabilities, those with medical conditions, and mature persons. Shortly after public revelation of the situation abroad, the Interagency Coordinating Council on Emergency Preparedness and Individuals with Disabilities(ICC), led by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) activated its Incident Management Team, composed of agency leaders from across government. As a result, within hours, a statement was drafted for distribution to members of the general public. This piece was the result of involvement by the disability arm of the White House Domestic Policy Council, members of the ICC, and two internal DHS components -- the Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties and the Transportation Security Administration. We urge you to distribute the following information as broadly as possible. We also recommend that air travelers print a copy of this email and have it handy for on-site reference. The information below re-emphasizes that assistive technology, mobility aids, medication, and other items used by members of the disability community and others continue to be permitted beyond security checkpoints. Details are also provided on where to call or email to address related concerns, resources to visit for further information, and steps that individuals may take to make the security check-in process as smooth as possible. I want you to know how grateful I am to you for spreading word about what follows. Doing so will have the collective effect of preventing difficulties from occurring at the outset while providing the traveling public with specific resources to assist in addressing issues of critical concern. __________________________Over the last 24 hours, British authorities have arrested a significant number of extremists engaged in a substantial plot to destroy multiple passenger aircraft flying from the United Kingdom to the United States. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is taking immediate steps to increase security measures in the aviation sector in coordination with heightened security precautions in the United Kingdom. The nation's threat level has been raised to Severe, or Red, for commercial flights originating in the United Kingdom bound for the United States. To defend further against any remaining threat from this plot, the threat level has been raised to High, or Orange, for all commercial aviation operating in or destined for the United States. The intent of this message is to alert potential air travelers with disabilities, those with medical conditions, and the mature of the elevated threat level, encourage them to take proactive and necessary steps to alleviate potential adverse impacts, and provide connections to further information and assistance. The following quotes are extracted from DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff's press conference yesterday: Overall guidance to travelers with disabilities is located on the web site of the Department of Homeland Security's Transportation Security Administration (TSA) at: This guidance includes tips specific to those with disabilities and medical conditions TSA's Checkpoint Security Screening Procedures for persons with disabilities, individuals with medical conditions, and the mature have not changed as a result of the current threat situation. All disability-related equipment, aids, and devices continue to be allowed through security checkpoints once cleared through screening. Items permitted beyond the checkpoint include: Wheelchairs; scooters; crutches; canes; walkers; prosthetic devices; casts; support braces; support appliances; service animals; any and all diabetes-related medication, equipment, and supplies; orthopedic shoes; exterior medical devices; assistive/adaptive equipment; augmentation devices; ostomy supplies; medications and associated supplies; hearing aids; cochlear implants; tools for wheelchair disassembly/reassembly; personal supplemental oxygen; CPAP machines; respirators; CO2 personal oxygen concentrators; baby apnea monitors; Braille note takers; slate and stylus; tools for prosthetic devices; and any other disability-related equipment. Current restrictions prohibit liquids, gels, or lotions (except baby formula/milk and medications) through the security screening checkpoints and onboard the aircraft. This includes common items, such as, but not limited to: beverages, perfume/cologne, shampoo, shaving cream, suntan lotion, creams, toothpaste, hair gels, saline solution. Such items are recommended for transport in checked baggage. It is also recommended that those with medications only take the amount of medication essential to sustain them until arrival at their final destination. Additional medication can be placed in checked baggage or mailed to their final destination. This will help speed up the screening process and avoid additional delays. Travelers with disabilities, medical conditions, and the mature may want to consider the following: For additional information on transportation security, the Transportation Security Administration Contact Center may be reached at: 1-866-289-9673 (Voice/Relay) (Email) For concerns about potential rights violations, contact the TSA Office of Civil Rights at: 1-877-336-4872 (Voice) For information about overall air travel accessibility, contact the Air Carrier Access Act Hotline of the Department of Transportation at: 1-800-778-4838 (Voice) 1-866- 754-4368 (TTY) Distributed to APRIL members at the request of Olegario D. Cantos, by: Diana Spas, Information CoordinatorResearch and Training Center on Disability in Rural Communities The University of Montana Rural Institute 52 Corbin Hall, Missoula, MT 59812-7056 (888) 268-2743 (RTC office) (406) 243-5760 (my office) (406) 243-2349 fax ![]() Voting Machines for the Disabled This year, disabled voters will exercise their right to vote independently for the first time in Arizona’s history. Voting machines for the disabled will be dispersed to every county in Arizona in time for both the Primary and General Elections. Until now, voting for the disabled was often a difficult and frustrating assisted process, with no personal privacy to their choices. This year, however, disabled voters will be able to cast their ballots in privacy, without assistance filling out their ballots thanks in part to a federally grant program that awarded Arizona dollars to purchase voting machines for the disabled The new voting machines are designed to provide privacy and accessibility to voters who are blind, vision-impaired or have a disability or condition that would make it difficult or impossible to mark a ballot in a usual way. In addition, the technology provides language assistance to voters who are more comfortable speaking in an alternative language or have difficulty reading. The Riester Agency in Phoenix is doing a multi-tiered voter education and outreach campaign for the Secretary of State office. Part of the communication initiative is to disseminate information about the accessible voting machine to the disability community in Arizona. We are reaching out to agencies that work with or advocate on behalf of the disability community to provide educational information about the accessible voting equipment, through newsletters your organization may have, or emails, or flyers you can distribute. Is it possible for us to provide you some information that you can then disseminate to your members/clients/staff, etc.? If so, please let me know how I can best get this information to you. I appreciate your help and consideration! Sincerely,Sarah Harper (602) 402-1341 ![]() ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY Dear Colleague: The following Administrative Directive is now posted on the Division’s web site at under the regulatory reference button. A brief synopsis of the Directive has been provided. Directive Number and Name Affects Division Staff 111 Cognitive Disability This Directive changes the term “mental retardation” to “cognitive disability”. If you have any questions, please contact me at one of the above telephone numbers or via email at Sincerely,Princess Lucas-Wilson, MSW Administrative Coordinator Policy, Planning and Special Projects ![]() SILC Job Posting Hello Everyone, AZ SILC is searching for a new staff person to organize a statewide disability vote project. Could you please help us in this endeavor and distribute the attachment as you think appropriate. Thank you for your consideration. Tony DiRienziExecutive Director AZ Statewide Independent Living Council - SILC 2400 N Central Ave., Suite 105 Phoenix, AZ 85004 602/262-2900 - Voice/TTY 602/271-4100 - FAX Notice: Emails from SILC Staff to SILC Members, "To ensure compliance with Open Meeting Law, recipients of this message should not forward it to other members of SILC. SILC members may reply to the sender of this message, but they should not send a copy of the reply to other SILC members." This comes to us from ADAPT MiCASA List ![]() Money Follows the Person - Targeted Case Management 37 States Apply for Money Follows the Person. What's next? Advocates for Community Services: The MFP submittal date of November 1st is now history. We understand CMS got 37 submittals by the deadline. Below is a link to a good article on Targeted Case Management (TCM) which is a Medicaid program that can be used for identification of and service coordination for folks transitioning out of institutions. During your state's development of the Demonstration Operational Protocol (DOP) there may be an opportunity to push for TCM. There are three critical pieces in transitioning folks out of institutions: 1. Identification2. Service Coordination 3. Housing - Accessible, Affordable, Integrated If your state DID NOT APPLY there is no reason they cannot move the money from the nursing home/institution to the community under the current rules and regulations (THEY FOOLISHLY JUST WON'T GET THE ENHANCED MATCH). Identification of folks who want out of nursing homes and other institutions, in the non-responding states, will require the state to provide them community services or explain WHY THEY TURNED DOWN INCREASED FEDERAL FUNDS under MFP. As former CMS Administrator said about MFP: "States have NO MORE EXCUSES." Don't Mourn...ORGANIZE!! The ADAPT Community a href=""> Institute for Disability Access Funding ideas for Identification/Service Coordination Getting People out of Nursing Homes/Institutions 1. Grant/Federal/State funds a. CMS Real Choice Grants (Nursing Home Transition, Money Follows the Person) b. Developmental Disabilities Councils c. State Independent Living Councils d. Foundations/Corporations e. Other Federal/State Agencies (i.e., Veterans Administration) 2. Targeted Case Management - Medicaid State Plan Service Identify those in nursing homes answering yes on the MDS Q1a as the targeted population using Medicaid funding to pay for the transition services for those out who choose to leave. a. Can be used up to 180 daysb. Can be administered by contract or billed hourly State decision 3. Vocational Rehabilitation/Independent Living Services a. VR Agency can create a reimbursable pre-employment service called "Relocation Services" that can be used by non-profit agencies (like ILC's, AAAs) to identify and service coordinate folks in nursing homes who want out. Funding would only be used to coordinate the transition services not directly pay for employment or home and community service needs. Relocation Services - an array of services, the outcome is the development of services and supports that result in relocation of a VR or ILS client from an institutional setting such as a nursing home. Using Title I VR dollars could be a potential funding source at the state level for those in nursing homes who have employment potential. There is currently a demonstration project using VR dollars for this purpose in Texas. This will become more important as a funding source, if Getting/Keeping folks out of nursing homes and other institutions becomes the 5th core service for Independent Living Centers. Using both Vocational Rehabilitation Title I funds ALONG with Medicaid Targeted Case Management to fund identification/service coordination services is a good strategy. Medicaid funding source should be pursued first because it is the largest possible funding source. Voc Rehab dollars used only for those with employment potential. Institute for Disability AccessApril 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------- Demonstration Operational Protocol (DOP) (Phase One: Pre-implementation 3 months to 12 months) The State, if they receive approval by CMS to receive MFP funding, MUST prepare a demonstration operational protocol (DOP) document that represents all policies, operating procedures and the evaluation plan applicable to the MFP demonstration. During this Pre-implementation phase, CMS encourages States to formally engage all needed stakeholders as required by section 6071(1) of the Deficit Reduction Act This DOP must be submitted WITH the final budget (amended) to CMS for approval. The project CANNOT be implemented (Phase Two) without the FINAL approval of the DOP. Timelines:Sample Elements for the Demonstration Operational Protocol (DOP) 1. Organization and structural administration;2. Reporting items; 3. Benefits and services description, including unit costs; 4. Outreach/Marketing/Education; 5. Eligibility/enrollment; 6. Service provision procedures; 7. Billing and reimbursement procedures; 8. Quality; 9. Participant Protections; 10. Informed Consent; 11. Revised Budget Once the DOP has been approved by CMS, a state will be permitted to claim the enhanced match rate for Home and Community Based (HCB) services for demonstration participants transitioned from the institutional setting into the community for 12 months after they have transitioned from the institution. ADAPT/Institute for Disability Access October, 2006Message distributed to APRIL members at the request of Linda Gonzales, by: Diana Spas, Information Coordinator Research and Training Center on Disability in Rural Communities The University of Montana Rural Institute 52 Corbin Hall, Missoula, MT 59812-7056 (888) 268-2743 (RTC office) (406) 243-5760 (my office) (406) 243-2349 fax ![]() Rural Independent Living and Physical Therapy: Exploring Collaborations Centers for Independent Living provide skills training to individuals with disabilities that helps them to increase their community participation. However, most centers do not have the staff or facilities to help individuals increase their physical capacity. In rural areas, collaboration between physical therapists and Centers for Independent Living promises to increase the availability of physical activity for people with disabilities. To explore that possible solution, RTC: Rural researchers interviewed rural physical therapists about their knowledge and beliefs regarding service delivery. We then examined their responses for compatibility with independent living philosophy. To learn more about our findings, please visit Rural Disability and Rehabilitation Research Progress Report #33: Rural Independent Living and Physical Therapy: Exploring Collaborations at (Please note: some e-mail programs will not allow links to open from messages - if you experience this, please copy the URL and paste it into the address window of your web browser) Message distributed to Area Health Education Centers, Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living members, and Health Interest Group, by: Diana Spas, Information CoordinatorResearch and Training Center on Disability in Rural Communities The University of Montana Rural Institute 52 Corbin Hall, Missoula, MT 59812-7056 (888) 268-2743 (RTC office) (406) 243-5760 (my office) (406) 243-2349 fax ![]() NEWS RELEASE (Tuesday, November 28, 2006) National Association of Benefits and Work Incentives Specialists announces its launch! Today in Washington DC The National Association of Benefits and Work Incentive Specialists (NABWIS ) announced its inauguration. The organization will serve as a focal point for the many professionals providing assistance to individuals with disabilities as they struggle to enter the workforce. Because of the complex and numerous interactions between cash benefits and Medicare and Medicaid, many individuals with disabilities are discouraged from working because they fear for their financial and health future. “I would love to try to work some but I’m afraid I would lose my health care and Social Security. The work incentives are just too complicated for me to understand…” At the beginning of this millennium, The Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 added new work incentives to make work a more attractive option for people who were struggling to enter the world of work. One aspect of this legislation was the development of benefits advisement and outreach. In communities all across America, hundreds of benefits and work incentives specialists were trained to provide information and in-depth analysis to individuals currently using Federal benefits so that those individuals could make informed choices about seeking employment. The program was further bolstered by training and technical assistance centers at three highly respected and abundantly qualified universities. This program is one of the most productive[a] and popular programs of the Social Security Administration[b]. As the profession of benefits and work incentives specialists mature the creation of an organization to promote education, credentialing and abroad understanding of the field is a natural next step. “ What an exciting time to bring together worker incentive and benefits specialists to take a leadership role in assuring that people with disabilities get the high quality information and analysis they desperately need to promote their own economic self sufficiency” - Mary Ridgely Media Inquiries:Susan Daniels 202-486-8712 [a] [b] Distributed to APRIL members at the request of Elissa Ellis, by: Diana Spas, Information Coordinator Research and Training Center on Disability in Rural Communities The University of Montana Rural Institute 52 Corbin Hall, Missoula, MT 59812-7056 (888) 268-2743 (RTC office) (406) 243-5760 (my office) (406) 243-2349 fax ![]() HAC News:Information on rural low-income housing issues November 15, 2006Vol. 35, No 23 ELECTION WILL SHIFT CONGRESSIONAL HOUSING LEADERSHIP. With Democrats winning control of both the House and the Senate on November 7, a new cast will emerge in the 110th Congress for USDA rural housing and HUD programs. Sens. Christopher Dodd (Conn.) and Jack Reed (R.I.) are in line to chair the Senate Banking Committee and its Housing Subcommittee. On the Senate Appropriations Committee, Robert Byrd (W.Va.), Patty Murray (Wash.), and Herb Kohl (Wisc.) will likely chair the full panel and the Transportation-Treasury-HUD and Agriculture Subcommittees. In the House Reps. Barney Frank (Mass.) and Maxine Waters (Calif.) are in line to chair the full Financial Services Committee and its Housing Subcommittee. On House Appropriations, Rep. David Obey (Wisc.) will be full committee chair, while Reps. John Olver (Mass.) and Rosa DeLauro (Conn.) are in line to head the T-THUD and Agriculture Subcommittees. Also being mentioned is the possibility that the T-THUD panel, thought by some to be unwieldy, might be reorganized into a new subcommittee structure. If this happens the subcommittees’ leadership might change. Subcommittee chairs are also subject to change based on members’ seniority. APPROPRIATIONS STILL PENDING.Congress returned November 13 for a lame duck session with HUD, agriculture and most other FY 2007 appropriations bills not yet passed. This week the lawmakers will pass another continuing resolution through December 8. The full Senate may pass its USDA appropriations bill this week also. It remains unclear whether there will be further CRs or an omnibus bill to combine appropriations measures. A final across-the-board cut of at least 1% is very likely. Check HAC’s site,,for updates. RURAL RENTAL HOUSING PRESERVATION TRENDS CONTINUE. USDA data provided to HAC show that in FY 2006 the loans on 2,189 Section 515 units were prepaid, while only 486 new units were constructed. Restrictions will keep 1,009 of the prepaid units affordable; this is 45% of the total, compared to 47% in FY 2005 and 72% in 2004. Owners of 1,096 units received incentives (equity loans and/or new Rental Assistance) and agreed not to prepay. Most Section 515 funds ($61.8 million of the $99 million available) and the new Multi-Family Housing Preservation and Revitalization Restructuring (MPR) Demonstration repaired or rehabilitated 4,001 and 2,263 units, respectively. Some prepaid units may remain affordable without restrictions, and some properties may be revitalized using other sources of funds. Contact Leslie Strauss, HAC,, 202-842-8600. HOUSING LEADERS HONORED, FACTS UPDATED FOR NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH. Throughout November, the National American Indian Housing Council’s website,, will highlight Native housing leaders. An updated factsheet on the site describes demographics, housing needs, and some resources. EVENTS PLANNED TO INCREASE AWARENESS OF HOMELESSNESS. November 12-18 is National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week, cosponsored by the National Coalition for the Homeless and the National Student Campaign Against Hunger & Homelessness. Visit or contact NCH, 202-462-4822. NCH and the National Health Care for the Homeless Council are sponsoring National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day on December 21. Details are at, or contact NCH. PRIMARY CAUSE OF HOMELESSNESS IS SHORTAGE OF FEDERAL FUNDING, REPORT SAYS. A new study from the Western Regional Advocacy Project concludes that a new federal commitment to the preservation and production of affordable housing in both urban and rural areas is essential. Without Housing: Decades of Federal Housing Cutbacks, Massive Homelessness, and Policy Failures is free at AARP FINDS SENIORS LIST AFFORDABLE HOUSING FOURTH AMONG COMMUNITY PRIORITIES. AARP studied urban and rural residents age 60 and older. Rural seniors were more likely than urban (68% and 38%) to be “very satisfied” with their counties. Aging, Migration, and Local Communities: The Views of 60+ Residents and Community Leaders is free at research/press-center/presscurrentnews (select October 27 press release). RURAL TRANSPORTATION PROGRESS SUMMARIZED. A brief from the Research and Training Center on Disability in Rural Communities describes how the latest federal transportation act helps rural people with disabilities. Visit Trn/Policy.htm or contact RTC, 888-268-2743, RURAL LEARNING NETWORK OFFERS DEGREES. Rural community builders and activists may earn a certificate or academic degree through independent study, project implementation, and participation in a month-long institute. A sponsoring organization contribution is required for tuition. January 15 is the deadline for next spring’s Institute. Rural Development Leadership Network,, 212-777-9137, rdln@ruraldevelopment THERE’S STILL TIME TO REGISTER FOR HAC’S NATIONAL RURAL HOUSING CONFERENCE 2006! For details visit or contact HAC staff, 202-842-8600 ext. 108, HOUSING ASSISTANCE COUNCIL, CELEBRATING 35 YEARS OF BUILDING RURAL COMMUNITIES, 1971-2006 ![]() November 22, 2006 Fall 2006 Issue of the Rural Monitor The Spring 2006 Issue of the Rural Monitor is now available on the RAC web site and can be accessed at: HTML version: PDF version: In this issue: Cover Story: Partnerships Pay Off in Rural TransportationA Much Needed "JAUNT" for Seniors in Rural Virginia Rethinking Human Services: Poverty in Rural America Look What's Coming: Critical Access, Yes; Hospital, Maybe? Around the Country: Special Series - Technical Assistance: Rural Health Works Focus on Funding: Finding the Funds for Rural Transportation Resource Roundup: Success Stories Available ![]() November 20, 2006 The State Independent Living Council (Boise, Idaho) is currently recruiting for a Project Director for our Ending Domestic Violence Against Women with Disabilities Grant. Please circulate this announcement or have interested individuals visit: you for your assistance. Kelly Buckland, Executive DirectorIdaho State Independent Living Council P.O. Box 83720 350 North 9th, #102 Boise, Idaho 83720-9601 Ph 208-334-3800 Fax 208-334-3803 ![]() This comes to us from Steve Gold at The Disability Odyssey Back issues of other Information Bulletins are available online with a searchable archive arranged by subject. To contact Steve Gold , write to or call 215-627-7100. November 21, 2006 A Housing Victory - Information Bulletin # 184 (11/06) On November 20, 2006, after four years of struggle, the Pittsburgh Three Rivers Center for Independent Living and the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh entered a Court approved class action Settlement Agreement. This victory follows several losses in court and shows what can be accomplished when local disability advocates vigorously fight for accessible, affordable, integrated housing and when they are truly committed to enforce the civil rights in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. The Settlement Agreement requires substantial number of UFAS (Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards) public housing units to be developed by the Housing Authority. Specifically, 321UFAS accessible units will be developed from the Housing Authority's existing housing inventory. These will reflect the full range of both bedroom sizes and geographical locations. These will also result in 10% of the public housing for seniors and 5% for families be fully UFAS accessible. It also requires private developers in Mixed-Income Communities receiving public housing subsidies have 10% of their existing units UFAS accessible. Further, HA's planned new housing shall have 10% of the units UFAS accessible, thus increasing the overall public housing inventory to above 8% UFAS accessible. Regarding the Housing Authority's obligations to "maximize the occupancy of UFAS accessible units" by individuals needing these units, the Settlement Agreement goes beyond the federal regulations. For example, it provides that persons who need accessible units may apply for the "first available" accessible unit in any of HA's projects and be placed on all waiting lists, and information regarding all of the accessible units will be made available. The Settlement Agreement puts the Three Rivers Center for Independent Living at the table with the HA and any private developers. For example, if the HA has an accessible unit and does not know of a person who needs it, the HA shall notify TRCIL "before leasing such unit" to a nondisabled person "in order to allow TRCIL to locate a person who needs and qualifies for such a unit." The HA agreed to work with TRCIL to assure that residents in nursing homes with disabilities are afforded equal access to accessible units. Disability Advocates: There are many, many public housing authorities throughout the country that violate Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act because they do not have at least 5% of their units UFAS accessible and have not maximized occupancy of accessible units. The question is why other Centers for Independent Living and other disability advocates have not accomplished or even tried to achieve these results for persons with disabilities in their communities, especially since HUD in the spring, 2006 allocated $2.2 billion for capital improvements. See HUD Allocates Capital Funds and Accessible Units, Information Bulletin #163. "Power concedes nothing without a struggle." Steve Gold, The Disability Odyssey continues... ![]() The Board of Multiple Choices, Inc., the CIL based in Athens, Georgia, is recruiting an Executive Director. While we will consider managerial skills, people skills, computer skills, etc. when making our decision, we are especially interested in candidates who: The starting pay range is $30-36,000 annually plus benefits and assistance with moving expenses if needed. For those seeking an opportunity to re-locate, the weather in GA is supreme and as far as towns go, Athens, GA, is the place to be in this state. We have a top notch university and a flourishing music scene. To apply for the position, contact Zen Garcia, Chairman of the Board, at By regular mail: 39 Alexander St, Winder, GA 30680. The deadline for submitting applications is December 15, 2006. Distributed to APRIL members at the request of Patricia Puckett, Executive Director of Georgia Statewide Independent Living Council, by: Diana Spas, Information CoordinatorResearch and Training Center on Disability in Rural Communities The University of Montana Rural Institute 52 Corbin Hall, Missoula, MT 59812-7056 (888) 268-2743 (RTC office) (406) 243-5760 (my office) (406) 243-2349 fax Nina Mason Pulliam Scholarship Opportunity!! Full tuition, books and a living allowance are provided through the Nina Scholars Program. This scholarship was created by the Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust in 2001 in tribute to the life and values of Nina Mason Pulliam. Who Can Apply?Available to individuals meeting at least one of the following criteria: ·Incoming freshman of continuing students ages 18-25, raised through the child welfare system* and having no form of financial support- (A person who has experienced time in the child welfare system may have lived in an institution such as a group home, child protection agency, special facility for children, and/or with a foster family). ·College-age youths and adults with physical disabilities* ·Adults 25 years of age or older who have dependents in their family unit* What Are the Criteria? Applicants must meet all of the following criteria: ·Be working toward their first college degree ·Be a U.S. citizen and a resident of Arizona ·Have a family income no higher than 80% (approx. $41, 250) of the median income for Maricopa County ·Have no more than 24 college-level, degree-applicable credits Additional Information Information and Applications can be downloaded Here! ·All applicants must be admissible to ASU; application for admission can be at: *See application for definitions. Deadline is April 1st Robin Lattin Nina Scholars Coordinator College of Public Programs Phone: (480)965-6495 Fax: (480)965-8530 E-mail: ![]() |